Friday, June 10, 2011

Start of Something New

So I've been kicking the idea around for awhile now about starting a blog,a friend the other night encouraged me to do it, so here goes. I hope you guys will be a part of it however you'd like. Maybe just by checking in once and awhile or maybe help post somethings. I love how people will have a theme for each day of the week, any ideas anyone? I'm just going to see what comes of this and hopefully have fun with it. Hope to hear from you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, if you ever want to make your blog into a book, I know can print out the pages of your blog into a book. I've never tried it but sounds like a great idea. Also, one of my friends made a "week in the life of " post, which I thought was a great way to remember what your days were like and how God ministered to you in that week. You have several family traditions established in your family that people could benefit from, like the 3 gifts for every child for christmas. You can share those, too. Just some suggestions. Look forward to dropping in here and there ;)
